Euro Coop

EU Code of Conduct: Insights from the 2023 Mapping Report

EU Code of Conduct: Insights from the 2023 Mapping Report

In July 2021, the EU Commission launched the EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices, a voluntary initiative, led by key stakeholders across the food chain, that aims to accelerate the transition toward a sustainable food system. Two years on, the impact of this initiative is becoming increasingly evident, with the release of the 2023 Mapping Report shedding light on the progress made and the challenges ahead.

Euro Coop, as the Vice-Chair of the EU Code of Conduct, plays a pivotal role in driving its implementation and ensuring its success. With several of its members actively participating as signatories, Euro Coop is deeply committed to advancing the objectives of the Code and promoting sustainability throughout the food sector.

The 2023 Mapping Report, commissioned by the EU Commission and conducted by Ipsos, provides valuable insights into the commitments made by signatories and the overall effectiveness of the Code. The report reveals a significant increase in the number of signatories, with 141 companies, associations, and collaborative supporters now on board. This doubling in signatories reflects a growing recognition within the industry of the importance of responsible food business practices.

Key findings from the report highlight the areas where signatories are making the most significant commitments. Objective 3, which focuses on achieving a climate-neutral food chain, and Objective 4, which emphasizes resource efficiency, emerge as primary areas of focus for signatories. Additionally, commitments related to sustainable sourcing (Objective 7) and promoting healthy, balanced, and sustainable diets (Objective 1) are prominent throughout the report.

Associations within the food sector are also playing a crucial role in endorsing and supporting the Code. Many associations have committed to sector-specific tools and best practices sharing, further amplifying the impact of the initiative.

While the report highlights positive trends, it also identifies areas for improvement and challenges that lie ahead. Despite the progress made, there is a need for increased engagement from underrepresented regions and sectors. Additionally, maintaining momentum and driving further progress will require renewed efforts and continued collaboration among all stakeholders.

As Euro Coop, we are committed to addressing these challenges and driving positive change within the food industry. Through our active participation in the EU Code of Conduct and our ongoing efforts to promote sustainability and responsible business practices, we aim to create a food system that is environmentally sustainable, socially responsible, and economically viable. Together with our members and partners, we will continue to work towards this shared vision, making meaningful strides towards a more sustainable future.


Mapping report 2023

Mapping diagram of commitments

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